Liquidity Adding

On PancakeSwap V2

How to add BTESTA/BNB liquidity providing to get LP token

In order to receive LP token for staking, you must have both BTESTA and BNB in your hand!

  • Click โ€œAdd Liquidityโ€ button and select BTESTA. If you can't find BTESTA, paste BTESTA address : 0x692cdf8e8f33a8e4b07d1c8ce1763fa70db3a4e4

  • Put the amount of BTESTA and BNB in the equal ratio of 1:1, "Approve" and click โ€œAdd Liquidityโ€ button.

  • Youโ€™ll get BTESTA/BNB LP token in your hand.

BTESTA/BNB contract address: 0x91AfbFeDAe5419Dc7b6097597a55239E0b4D163F

Last updated