- BNB Lending V1

❌No BNB V1 Deposit available❌

💡Withdraw jBNB to get BNB

The number of withdrawal share that can be calculated from the following equation;

Withdrawal Share=Withdrawal AmountTotal TokenTotal Liquidity{Withdrawal}\space{Share}=\frac{{Withdrawal}\space{Amount}*{Total}\space{Token}}{{Total}\space {Liquidity}}

📎Total BNB Deposited (Total Supply)

Can be called 'Total Liquidity', the total amount of liquidity in each asset pool, calculated as

TotalLiquidity=TotalAvailableLiquidity+TotalBorrowsTotalLiquidity = TotalAvailableLiquidity+TotalBorrows

📎Total Debt Issued (Total Borrowing)

Can be called 'Total Borrow Shares', the total number of shares of Total Borrow for an asset, while Total Borrows are the sum of the total borrowed amount and accumulated borrow interest of an asset.

📎Current jBNB APR

Can be calculated from the following equation

jBNB APR=Borrow InterestUtilization100{jBNB}\space{APR} = \frac{{Borrow}\space{Interest}*Utilization}{100}

Last updated